TamaBio has obtained patents for Regenerative Medical Devices : Nerve Damage Repair Sheet, Brain Tissue Damage Repair Sheet and Spinal Cord Injury Repair Sheet.
The joint research period with Tohoku University has been extended.
We will be a sponsor and exhibit at the The 34th Conference on Neurosurgical Techniques and Tools (CNTT2025; Osaka International Convention Center, April 18th (Fri) to 19th (Sat), 2025).
TamaBio will be exhibiting the pericardial membrane PeriBeam® at the 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery (at Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Japan).
ISO13485:2016 was maintained : based on the evaluation from the regular audit.
The sterilization expiration date of the Dura Mater Substitute “DuraBeam®” has been extended to three (3) years.
We will be sponsoring the 48th Japanese Society of Neurotraumatology (Feb.21st (Fri) – Feb.22nd (Sat), 2025).
We exhibited a booth at the Japan Neurosurgical Society 67th Tohoku Branch Meeting.
TamaBio has been granted patents in Japan for three innovative regenerative medical devices it is developing.